Our Blog

Safe Play Area

Safe Play Area

Stop and have a well deserved break and let your kids enjoy our Safe Play area. Maybe have a bite to eat and drink a locally sourced Coffee at our Restaurant. Here Kids can Play outside and You don't need to worry. What are you waiting for Bring the Youngsters for a...

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“Local is Lekker” Ontbyt

“Local is Lekker” Ontbyt

Hierdie Ontbyt het alles wat jou hart begeer en dis Lekkkerrrr! Kom geniet ons Blikbeker broodjie gevul met Tamatiesmoor, Spek, Boerewors, Eier en 'n Tamatie Stokkie en Tjips vir slegs R75.00   Want niks is so Lekker soos 'n "Lekker Nikki Ontbyt" nie.

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